Senin, 28 Maret 2011


Name          : Dany Darma Putra
NIM            : 109014000157
Class           : IV D

What makes a paragraph effectively?

One paragraph will be best and effective if there are some features exist on it. The first is a topic, this feature must be available in a paragraph because it is a foundation what the writing about. Without a topic, the writer doesn’t have anything to be explained. The topic must also be interesting for the writer, so that the writer will be interested to write about the topic. The topic must also be controlled, so that the meaning of the writing not too wild and difficult to be understood. The second one of the effective paragraph is an introduction, a paragraph has an introduction exists on the first sentence. This feature is also important because this introduction tells the reader what the paragraph about. The next feature of the effective paragraph is a content. In this part writer can put and explain what he or she wants to share. The last one is a conclusion. This part includes all the content about. And this part can make the readers more understand what the paragraph means. Those all are some features of an effective paragraph. 

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