Rabu, 13 April 2011

Name: Dany Darma Putra      NIM: 109014000157   Class: IV D

The tarbiyah building has a canteen. The function and its place are; it is the place where the college students can buy something to eat during their rest time. And then, the canteen is placed on the first floor of the tarbiyah building. In the canteen, some kind of food is sold. The food and drink are such as fried rice, bread, drink water, coffee, cigarette, and ect. Although the canteen provides various foods and drinks for the students of tarbiyah, but they sell the stuff more expensively than the small shops outside the campus area do. For instead, the canteen of tarbiyah sells Bakwan Rp 1.500,- / pcs, whereas the same Bakwan in a small shop outside the campus costs it Rp 1.000,- / pcs. Although they sell their stuff more expensively than other small shops outside do, they still get many costumers. Most of the costumers are the tarbiyah students. Some reasons why the costumers still visit the canteen are because the canteen is clean and nearby their classes. That is all about the Canteen of Tarbiyah that I have observed.
Title: The Canteen of Tarbiyah.
Topic sentence                 : The tarbiyah building has a canteen.

1.        Supporting sentence             : The function and its place are.
Ø  Supporting detail: where the college students can buy something to eat.
Ø  Supporting detail: on the first floor of the tarbiyah building.

2.        Supporting sentence             : Some kind of food is sold.
Ø  Supporting detail: The food and drink.

3.        Supporting sentence             : The canteen provides various foods and drinks for the students of tarbiyah.
Ø  Supporting detail: More expensive.
Ø  Supporting detail: For instead.

4.       Supporting sentence              : Although they sell their stuff expensively.
Ø  Supporting detail: still get many costumers.

5.       Supporting sentence: Some reasons why the costumers still visit the canteen.
Ø  Supporting detail: clean and nearby the classes.

6.        Conclusion                 :  That is all about the Canteen of Tarbiyah.